Background: GLAFIMS is abbreviation of the Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science. This is a collection of people in involved in Forensic Medicine, Forensic Sciences, Investigative Forensic Medicine, Law Persons, Investigative Authorities and Persons, Forensic Pathologists and allied sciences. The Main aim of the association is to collaborate with each other for the academic and professional development.The association has been successfully registered with the registrar and official name is “GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION”. GLAFIMS Association is abbreviation of the Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science. Short Title “GLAFIMS”.
“To uplift the status of forensic medicine, investigative medicine and allied health science nationally and internationally by promoting mutual interaction between stakeholders for the advancement of relevant scientific knowledge”.
Membership Term and Conditions-Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science [Glafims Association].
GLAFIMS Association Alias GLAFIMS ACADEMY is abbreviation of the Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science. This is a collection of people involved in Forensic Medicine, Forensic Sciences, Investigative Forensic Medicine, Law Persons, Investigative Authorities and Persons, Forensic Pathologists and allied sciences. The Main aim of the association is to collaborate and cooperate with each other for the academic and professional development by enhancing mutual interactions. GLAFIMS Association is a registered with Government of India [ registration number is 157354] under the company act, 2013 (18 of 2013)
1. Introduction
Each member agrees to be bound by these rules and regulations. All members undertake that they will use their reasonable endeavours to comply with the GLAFIMS ACADEMY rules and regulations as updated from time to time without any prior notice to individual members.
An individual’s membership may be either suspended or cancelled for breach of any of the rules and regulations or the Code of Conduct and this shall be at the GLAFIMS ACADEMY membership Director’s sole discretion.
2. Definitions
In these rules:
GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION or GLAFIMS ACADEMY means Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science.
Membership programme means the programme for members by the GLAFIMS ACADEMY.
Managing Director means the director appointed by the Board of Directors to oversee the general running of the membership scheme, including but not limited to, acceptance of membership applications, membership fee rates, cancellation of membership and updating the membership rules and regulations from time to time.
Membership Fees mean the monthly or annual fees payable per category of membership.
Member means any individual who is a member of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY and who has been admitted in any of the following categories, Member or Full Member, Life Member, Associate Member, Affiliate Member, Fellow, Honorary Fellow, Member Emeritus, Group Membership, E-Associate member, Honorary Member, Founder member, Donor Member and who is eligible for appointment as a director under the laws of India and also includes corporate who have been admitted as charter member.
Rules and Regulations means these rules, as updated from time to time with or without any prior notice to individual members.
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency within this document, the Board of Directors or Managing Director will decide on its interpretation and such interpretation shall be final and binding.
3. Membership and Application Procedure
Each prospective member must apply for membership to the GLAFIMS ACADEMY via the application procedure. Any prospective member must complete the application form and send it to the GLAFIMS ACADEMY with a copy of their CV either by post, fax or online via our website.
Eligibility for membership shall be decided by the Board of Directors or Managing Director in accordance with the membership criteria laid down and such will be final and binding. If the application is approved, the Board of Directors or Managing Director will allocate the members category according to their experience and the agreed criteria.
All applications will be considered by the Board of Directors or Managing Director (usually on a weekly basis) and unless there are any objections to the applications then membership will be granted. Wherever required by the board, applicants shall furnish such further documentary proof and supporting documents. Where so requested by the board, applicant shall attend interviews with regard to their application.
Applicants will be informed in writing via email or whatsapp communication about the outcome of their membership application.
The rights of the members are not transferable.
The Board of Directors or Managing Director reserves the right to amend and/or supplement the present terms and conditions at any time with or without notice to anyone.
The Board of Directors or Managing Director is under no obligation to provide a reason for refusal of any application.
Membership of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY is conditional upon the member accepting and abiding by these rules and regulations and the Code of Conduct.
4. Member’s Categories
Membership Types: There are five types of membership of the Academy. Each Type of category can be further divided in subtypes
1. Type 1 A: Member or Full Member: A member is normally an individual who is or has been actively engaged in the field and who has professional and/or academic qualifications that allow them to practice in the field of Forensic Medicine, Science, Law, Toxicology, Criminology & other allied sciences. The Membership fee is chargeable annually as per decision of the decision of Nominated Governing Council for the term of the Council and is subject to change/same in the formal meeting of governing council.
2. Type 1 B: Life Member: Member who is engaged in or associated with the academy. Life membership will only be awarded to the members after payment of the Life Membership fee after recommendation from the Governing Council. The life membership is subject to formal approval from the Global President even after payment of fee. The life members will be issue a like member certificate after approval from competent authority. It is hereby notified that the life membership can issued only after formal invitation is sent to nominated member. Members are advised not to pay for life membership fee until they receive formal invitation letter from GLAFIMS Association
3. Type 2-A: Associate Member: An Associate Member is an individual who is actively engaged in the field and who is achieving qualifications to be admitted into the Society as a Member. Master students and doctoral researchers (PhD students) are typically associate members. Maximum period as Associate Member is 5-years, or 2-years after PhD graduation – whichever comes first. After the stipulated period the Associate Members will automatically promoted to full membership. However, the associated member reserve the right to apply for full membership after one year of completion of Associate Term, subject for approval from Governing Council.
4. Type 2-B: Affiliate Member: An person who is elected into membership by the academy can be designated as an Affiliate Member. Due to personal circumstances beyond their control, this member may be unable to attend meetings and events but can be seen to be an asset to the academy. As such, due to the lack of attendance, it can be agreed by the academy that an Affiliate member can pay less than the full amount of this academy yearly dues. The academy Board shall determine an Affiliate member’s ability to vote on club matters. An Affiliate member shall be required to attend at least one half of the meetings or academy-organized events. If circumstances and or time commitments change for this member to allow more involvement, an Affiliate member’s membership can be converted to active membership by a decision of the academy if he or she otherwise meets the requirements of active membership. The academy would have to determine the merits or demerits of this option. No member shall simultaneously be an active member and an Affiliate member.
5. Type 3-A: Fellow: A Fellow is an individual recognized by the Academy to have made a truly significant contribution to the Academy and its aims and objectives. A Fellow must be nominated by other members. The process of becoming a Fellow is managed by the Governing Council or the Global President. The grade of Fellow is reserved for Full Members of the Academy.
6. Type 3-B: Honorary Fellow: An Honorary Fellow is an individual recognized by the Academy to have rendered outstanding services to the aims of the Academy or to the forensic community in general, this is the highest honor the Academy can bestow. An Honorary Fellow is chosen by the Governing Council or the Global
7. Type 1: e-associate member: This membership grade has been designed for Student and Apprentice, who have not earned any degree or affiliations. The membership fee may/may not be applicable as per decision of the decision of Nominated Governing Council.
8. Type 4-A: Member Emeritus: Emeritus Members are asked to pay the same fee as Associate Members. Member has full access and full voting rights. Please note that retirement must be declared to the Governing Council or Global President/CEO.
9. Type 4-B: Group Membership: This is for groups of 2-10 or more named members that wish to apply for Chair membership. It provides a discount on the individual membership fee for full members. Group members have full access to the website, discount on events and voting rights at meetings. This membership is reserved specifically to global members working internationally in different countries and institutes applied for Scientific Chair.
10. Type 5-A: e-associate member: This membership grade has been designed for Student and Apprentice, who have not earned any degree or affiliations. The membership fee may/may not be applicable as per decision of the decision of Nominated Governing Council.
11. Type 5-B: Honorary Member: Similar to members but awarded by Glafims as part of honor to the academy. Usually awarded to well known scientists scholars of international repute and acknowledgment.
12. Type 6-A: Founder member: Who are associated with establishment of the association shall be the founder members. Final decision of the association on any matter herein after shall be subjected to permission of the founder members.
13. Type 6-B: Donor Member: This special type of is awarded to person of any field who have generated substantial amount of donations to the society for the philanthropic aim of the glafims. The donor member are entitled for full membership benefits for their entire lifetime. Donor members can members, subject to approval from Governing Council. Donor Members have the voting right. Donor Member can recommend any member to be included in the executive board without facing elections. Donor members can directly contact president to recommend changes in the policies, subject to approval from competent authority.
5. Changes in Members Details
It is the sole responsibility of members to inform the GLAFIMS ACADEMY of any changes in their contact and personal details which may or may not affect their membership.
6. Change of Membership Category
Any member wishing to change his/her category may do so by applying in writing to the Board of Directors or Managing Director or via website with an up to date CV. The Board of Directors or Managing Director will consider all such requests and reply to the member within 30 days advising them of their decision. Once a member’s new category has been confirmed, any additional membership fees will be due pro-rata for the year.
7. Grievance Procedure or Appeal
A member may make representations regarding his/her suspension or cancellation of membership, or any other grievance, by writing to the Board of Directors or Managing Director. The Governing Council will consider the member’s grievance or appeal within 30 days and submit its recommendations to the Board of Directors or Managing Director whose decision will be final. The member will be notified in writing [Via email or SMS or Whatsapp msg to registered email or mobile number] of its decision.
8. Reputation
The member will not act in any manner which damages or is likely to damage or otherwise adversely affect the reputation of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY.
9. Payments
All members must pay their application fees, membership fees and any other bills within 30 days of billing. If bills remain unpaid, the Board of Directors or Managing Director reserves the right to automatically terminate membership and an added fee may be charged or renewal or restart of membership, subject to the decision of competent authority
10. Membership Fees
There is a one time joining fee and thereafter subscription is payable annually per financial year. If you become a member between 1st October – 31st December, your annual subscription is halved and between 1st January – 31st March, you annual subscription is pro rata. You also have an option to become a ‘Life Member’ by paying one time membership subscription. The tenure of Life Membership is 10 years, subject to renewal on mutual bases after paying additional fee prescribed by the board. The board of director or Managing Director reserves the right to waive of any fee without and justification or explanation to anyone.
S |
Membership Category |
Annual Subscription |
Rest of world |
Validity |
1. |
E Associate Member |
N/A |
N/A |
One Year |
2. |
Full Member or Member |
INR 3600 |
60 USD |
Annual Renewal |
3. |
Associate Member |
INR 1200 |
30 USD |
Annual Renewal |
4. |
Affiliate Member |
INR 2400 |
60 USD |
Annual Renewal |
5. |
Fellow |
On Request |
On Request |
Five Years |
6. |
Honorary Fellow |
N/A |
N/A |
Five Years |
7. |
Member Emeritus |
N/A |
N/A |
Five Years |
8. |
Group Member |
On Request |
On Request |
Annual Renewal |
9. |
Life Member |
INR 20,000 |
300 USD |
Ten Years |
10. |
Honorary Members |
On Request |
On Request |
One Year |
11. |
Donor Member |
INR 1,00,000 |
1500 USD |
Lifetime |
Note: The above mentioned fee is applicable for the year 2022. For any update please visit the website for latest fee structure.
11. Data Protection
The GLAFIMS ACADEMY will hold all information on its members in the strictest confidence and will not divulge nor share it.
12. Members Register
The name, photographs and contact details of all members will be published on the GLAFIMS ACADEMY’s website, if it in necessary in the vision of Board.
13.1 Voluntary Termination
A member may terminate his/her membership at any time by giving not less than 2 months written notice before the end of any calendar year. If due notice has not been given, the following years membership fees become automatically payable. All other outstanding bills at the time of termination will become immediately due.
13.2 Termination for Failure to Pay Membership Fees
The GLAFIMS ACADEMY shall have the right to suspend the membership rights of a member who shall fail to comply with two reminders to pay arrears of membership fees. Any failure by a member to pay such arrears within 30 days of the last reminder may entail automatic cancellation of membership.
13.3 Termination for Breach
The Board of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY shall be entitled to terminate the membership of a member in case of breach of any of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY rules which shall not have been remedied within 30 days of a written warning requesting immediate remedy of such breach.
14. Code of Conduct
All members agree to abide by the GLAFIMS ACADEMY Code of Conduct.
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Copyright © 2022-32 by Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative
Medicine and Science [GLAFIMS ACADEMY]. All rights reserved.
Last February 11, 2023